I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow, funded by a fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), in the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before coming to MIT, I was a PhD student in the Department of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, supported by a fellowship from the Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich (formerly QBM, now QMB).
I am interested in the self-organized dynamics of living systems and their noisy response to external mechanochemical stimuli. To study the dynamics of systems such as chromatin, biomolecular condensates, cells and tissues, as well as the immune response, I develop and apply the methods of theoretical biophysics, statistical mechanics, and dynamical systems theory. I study both deterministic and stochastic systems with a combination of analytical “pen & paper” calculations and numerical simulations using kinetic Monte Carlo algorithms, Brownian dynamics simulations, and Finite Element methods. My current research elucidates the conformational dynamics of active polymers, the co-phase separation dynamics of proteins in the presence of energy-consuming processes, and the innate immune response.
Biomolecular condensates are membraneless compartments that organize biochemical processes in cells. In contrast to well-understood mechanisms describing how condensates form and dissolve, the principles underlying condensate patterning – including their size, number and spacing in the cell – remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that RNA, a key regulator of condensate formation and dissolution, influences condensate patterning. Using nucleolar fibrillar centers (FCs) as a model condensate, we found that inhibiting ribosomal RNA synthesis significantly alters the patterning of FCs. Physical theory and experimental observations support a model whereby active RNA synthesis generates a non-equilibrium state that arrests condensate coarsening and thus contributes to condensate patterning. Altering FC condensate patterning by expression of the FC component TCOF1 impairs ribosomal RNA processing, linking condensate patterning to biological function. These results reveal how non-equilibrium states driven by active chemical processes regulate condensate patterning, which is important for cellular biochemistry and function.Competing Interest StatementJ.E.H. is a consultant for Camp4 Therapeutics. R.A.Y. is a founder and shareholder of Syros Pharmaceuticals, Camp4 Therapeutics, Omega Therapeutics, Dewpoint Therapeutics, and Paratus Sciences, and has consulting or advisory roles at Precede Biosciences and Novo Nordisk. A.K.C serves as a consultant (titled Academic Partner) for Flagship Pioneering. He also serves as a consultant and member of the Board of Directors of Flagship’s affiliated company, Apriori Bio, and as a consultant and Scientific Advisory Board Member of another affiliated company, Metaphore Bio. He is an ad hoc consultant for Dewpoint Therapeutics. A.K.C. has financial interests in the above companies.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Enzyme-Enriched Condensates Show Self-Propulsion, Positioning, and Coexistence
Leonardo Demarchi=, Andriy Goychuk=⊂, Ivan Maryshev, and 1 more author
Enzyme-enriched condensates can organize the spatial distribution of their substrates by catalyzing nonequilibrium reactions. Conversely, an inhomogeneous substrate distribution induces enzyme fluxes through substrate-enzyme interactions. We find that condensates move toward the center of a confining domain when this feedback is weak. Above a feedback threshold, they exhibit self-propulsion, leading to oscillatory dynamics. Moreover, catalysis-driven enzyme fluxes can lead to interrupted coarsening, resulting in equidistant condensate positioning, and to condensate division.
Phys. Rev. Res.
Self-consistent sharp interface theory of active condensate dynamics
Andriy Goychuk=⊂, Leonardo Demarchi=, Ivan Maryshev, and 1 more author
Biomolecular condensates help organize the cell cytoplasm and nucleoplasm into spatial compartments with different chemical compositions. A key feature of such compositional patterning is the local enrichment of enzymatically active biomolecules which, after transient binding via molecular interactions, catalyze reactions among their substrates. Thereby, biomolecular condensates provide a spatial template for nonuniform concentration profiles of substrates. In turn, the concentration profiles of substrates, and their molecular interactions with enzymes, drive enzyme fluxes which can enable novel nonequilibrium dynamics. To analyze this generic class of systems, with a current focus on self-propelled droplet motion, we here develop a self-consistent sharp interface theory. In our theory, we diverge from the usual bottom-up approach, which involves calculating the dynamics of concentration profiles based on a given chemical potential gradient. Instead, reminiscent of control theory, we take the reverse approach by deriving the chemical potential profile and enzyme fluxes required to maintain a desired condensate form and dynamics. The chemical potential profile and currents of enzymes come with a corresponding power dissipation rate, which allows us to derive a thermodynamic consistency criterion for the passive part of the system (here, reciprocal enzyme-enzyme interactions). As a first-use case of our theory, we study the role of reciprocal interactions, where the transport of substrates due to reactions and diffusion is, in part, compensated by redistribution due to molecular interactions. More generally, our theory applies to mass-conserved active matter systems with moving phase boundaries.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Polymer folding through active processes recreates features of genome organization
Andriy Goychuk=, Deepti Kannan=, Arup K. Chakraborty⊂, and 1 more author
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 2023
From proteins to chromosomes, polymers fold into specific conformations that control their biological function. Polymer folding has long been studied with equilibrium thermodynamics, yet intracellular organization and regulation involve energy-consuming, active processes. Signatures of activity have been measured in the context of chromatin motion, which shows spatial correlations and enhanced subdiffusion only in the presence of adenosine triphosphate. Moreover, chromatin motion varies with genomic coordinate, pointing toward a heterogeneous pattern of active processes along the sequence. How do such patterns of activity affect the conformation of a polymer such as chromatin? We address this question by combining analytical theory and simulations to study a polymer subjected to sequence-dependent correlated active forces. Our analysis shows that a local increase in activity (larger active forces) can cause the polymer backbone to bend and expand, while less active segments straighten out and condense. Our simulations further predict that modest activity differences can drive compartmentalization of the polymer consistent with the patterns observed in chromosome conformation capture experiments. Moreover, segments of the polymer that show correlated active (sub)diffusion attract each other through effective long-ranged harmonic interactions, whereas anticorrelations lead to effective repulsions. Thus, our theory offers nonequilibrium mechanisms for forming genomic compartments, which cannot be distinguished from affinity-based folding using structural data alone. As a first step toward exploring whether active mechanisms contribute to shaping genome conformations, we discuss a data-driven approach.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Delayed Excitations Induce Polymer Looping and Coherent Motion
Andriy Goychuk⊂, Deepti Kannan, and Mehran Kardar⊂
We consider inhomogeneous polymers driven by energy-consuming active processes which encode temporal patterns of athermal kicks. We find that such temporal excitation programs, propagated by tension along the polymer, can effectively couple distinct polymer loci. Consequently, distant loci exhibit correlated motions that fold the polymer into specific conformations, as set by the local actions of the active processes and their distribution along the polymer. Interestingly, active kicks that are canceled out by a time-delayed echo can induce strong compaction of the active polymer.
Nat. Phys.
A diffusiophoretic mechanism for ATP-driven transport without motor proteins
Beatrice Ramm=, Andriy Goychuk=, Alena Khmelinskaia, and 5 more authors
The healthy growth and maintenance of a biological system depends on the precise spatial organization of molecules within the cell through the dissipation of energy. Reaction–diffusion mechanisms can facilitate this organization, as can directional cargo transport orchestrated by motor proteins, by relying on specific protein interactions. However, transport of material through the cell can also be achieved by active processes based on non-specific, purely physical mechanisms, a phenomenon that remains poorly explored. Here, using a combined experimental and theoretical approach, we discover and describe a hidden function of the Escherichia coli MinDE protein system: in addition to forming dynamic patterns, this system accomplishes the directional active transport of functionally unrelated cargo on membranes. Remarkably, this mechanism enables the sorting of diffusive objects according to their effective size, as evidenced using modular DNA origami–streptavidin nanostructures. We show that the diffusive fluxes of MinDE and non-specific cargo couple via density-dependent friction. This non-specific process constitutes a diffusiophoretic mechanism, as yet unknown in a cell biology setting. This nonlinear coupling between diffusive fluxes could represent a generic physical mechanism for establishing intracellular organization.
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